
Package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs

Interface Summary
StatusListener Provides the interface for Objects listening to a DataManager source.

Class Summary
DcsDataConverter Converts old style DcsData records (that only mantained a single-entry) into history-aware records.
DcsDataDocReader Reader to extract DcsData (aka "workflow status") information from a LuceneDoc created by DcsDataFileIndexingPlugin.
DcsDataFileIndexingPlugin Helper for indexing DCS-specific workflow status information along with the normally-indexed fields for a metadata record.
DcsDataManager Provides access to, and caching of DcsDataRecord instances that house workflow status associated with each metadata record managed by the DCS.
DcsDataRecord Used to manage dcs_data that is associated with an indexed item-level record.
DcsSetInfo Extends SetInfo to provide DCS-specific information about sets (aka collections), such as the number of valid records.
DcsSetInfo.NumDoneComparator Implements Comparator to enable sorting by numDone.
DcsSetInfo.NumSyncErrorsComparator Implements Comparator to enable sorting by numDone.
DcsSetInfo.NumWorkingComparator Implements Comparator to enable sorting by numWorking.
SortStatusEntries Comparator to sort StatusEntry elements in reverse order of their "dateChanged" property.
StatusEntry Wrapper for a StatusEntry element of a DcsDataRecord.
StatusEvent Indicates that an event occurred affecting data managed by a DataManager source.

Exception Summary
DcsDataException Simply wraps Exception.
