
Package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config

Class Summary
AbstractConfigReader Abstract class for extracting information from, and writing to, XML config files
CollectionConfig Holds information about a collection that is accessed via a CollectionConfigReader.
CollectionConfigReader Extracts info from a Collection configuration document.
CollectionFileConverter Utilities for manipulating XPaths, represented as String
CollectionRegistry Holds CollectionConfig instances in a map structure, keyed by collection id (e.g., "dcc"); The registry is initialized during system startup by reading from a configDir where the collection config files are located.
FrameworkConfigConverter Converts old style DcsData records (that only mantained a single-entry) into history-aware records.
FrameworkConfigReader Extracts info to augment that of the Schema from a framework configuration file.
IDGenerator Class repsonsible for generating unique IDs for a particular collection.
SchemaPath Provides information about a schema element that is not expressed in the XML Schema, but that is helpful in displaying and editing documents within a framework.
SchemaPathComparator Class to sort lists of PathMap instances by their xpath property.
SchemaPathMap Map holding SchemaPath instances that are defined in the framework configuration files, instantiated by FrameworkConfigReader instances, and accessed by MetaDataFramework.
SortStatusFlags Comparator to sort StatusFlag instances natural order of their "label" property.
StatusFlag Hold a tuple of status value, label and accompanying decription.
StatusFlags Hold a tuple of status value and accompanying decription.
UserInfo Bean to handle the "userInfo" element of the framework_config record, which is used to specify where information about the current user is to be placed in metadata records.
