
Package org.dlese.dpc.services.dds.toolkit

Class Summary
CollectionInfo Class to cache information about collections obtained from "listCollections" call to DDSServicesToolkit.
DDSRepositoryFetcher Downloads entire DDS repositories and writes to local disk using the DDSServicesToolkit.
DDSServicesResponse Encapsulates a response from a DDSWS or DDSUpdateWS service request.
DDSServicesToolkit Toolkit for working with DDS repository Search and Update Web Services (DDSWS and DDSUpdateWS) for read and write operations.
RepositoryUtils Provides functions that use the DDSServicesToolkit to get information about collections, itemRecords, terms and other data from a DDS repository.
TermData Class that holds data about term in one or more fields in the index.
TermsInfo Class that holds data about the terms in one or more fields in the index.

Exception Summary
DDSServiceErrorResponseException Indicates a standard error response was recieved from a DDS service request.
