
Package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab

Class Summary
FieldFilesCheck Command line routine that checks fields files for well-formedness, and ensures that the xpaths associated with the field files exist within the given metadata framework.
FieldInfoMap Data structure mapping xpaths to FieldInfoReader instances.
FieldInfoReader Provides access to infomormation (beyond that expressed in the metadata schema) about a metadata field, such as cataloging best practices and definitions of controlled vocabulary.
FieldInfoWriter Class to generate fields files for given framework.
NewFieldInfoMap Populates the a fieldInfoMap by reading from a file specified in Framework config file (with name ending in "fields-list.xml").
OldFieldInfoMap Populates a by reading from a file specified in Framework config file (with name ending in "filename-list.xml").
SchemaToFieldsFiles EXPIREMENTAL - Class to extract definitions from framework schemas and populate "fields_files"
SIFFieldInfoWriter Class to generate fields files for given framework.
SortTermAndDeftns Comparator to sort Records in reverse order of their creation date
TermAndDeftn Encapsulates the semantics of the TermAndDeftn element of FieldInfo files, which defines a term/definition relationship for controlled vocabulary items in a Fields file.
